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Thank you for making an investment in

SFUMC each and every gift matters,

each and every gift allows us to

partner with God, strengthen our congregation, and make a difference in our wider community.

Visit our secure online giving portal to make a one-time gift OR schedule your giving at an increment that is best for you and your family. This can be done via credit card or ACH bank draft.


You can also:

- Bring your offering to worship on Sundays at 9:30am

and place it in the offering plates.


- Mail your offering to:

P.O. Box 2908, St. Francisville La, 70775


If you are a patron of The Bank of St. Francisville and

would like to draft directly from your account,

we have forms available in the church office

you can fill out to start that process. ​

Online Estimate of Giving Card

We give, not out of compulsion or guilt, but in gratitude for every grace. Thank you for filling out an estimate of giving card for 2025. Your investment in St. Francisville UMC will allow us to plan for mission and ministry in the coming year so that we might continue to share the story of God's love with our community.


Please check the box if you plan to give by ACH draft from your bank account (form linked below) or the SFUMC online giving platform (platform linked above)

Thank you. Please let us know if you have any questions.

Electronic Funds Transfer (ACH or EFT) Authorization Agreement


9856 Royal St, St Francisville, LA 70775, USA

225-635-3763 | P.O. Box 2908, St. Francisville, Louisiana

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©2024 by St. Francisville United Methodist Church.

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